Friday, December 19, 2008

Weighing the pros and cons

I’ve been trying to catalogue the pros and cons of dating a 24 year old.

• They’re 24

• The fact that their house only has 1 towel (and by “house” I mean shared apartment where basic toiletries are strictly catalogued by roommate and can only be used by the official owner, and a bathroom that has to be locked in 2 doors so roommates don't inadvertently enter.)
• The twin sized bed with 1 pillow
• The lack of glasses (for champagne) and vases (for flowers)
• Having friends introduce your date at a party as “a very young friend of Mrs. DeWitt’s mother”
• Having said 24 year old ask what you’re doing for “winter break” this year

Hmm, well, after reviewing this, so far the pros still have it.