Thursday, July 09, 2009

What's in a name?

I was at work during most of the Michael Jackson Memorial. Over lunch, we headed to a local Vietnamese restaurant for a bite, and they were showing the live broadcast on ABC.

For whatever reason, the hard of hearing telex subtitles were on as well. Now, as this was live, those folks must have been typing up a storm, and they got a bit flummoxed when a boy from Wales came on stage to sing.

Shaheen Jafargholi.

Now, the boy can SING – but, he does have a hard name to spell, especially if you’re not from Wales.

This is what was said: “My name is Kenny, my name is Kenny Ortega, thank you, and I was Michael’s partner in the creating and directing of many of his tours, including “This Is It”. And Shaheen was invited by Michael to join him in London, for the show, so I just wanted to introduce him to everyone and to say thank you for coming out all this way to join us today Shaheen.”

What we saw on the screen was this: “My name is Kenny, my name is Kenny Ortega, thank you, and I was Michael’s partner in the creating and directing of many of his tours, including “This Is It”. Invited by Michael to join him in London, for the show, so I just wanted to introduce him to everyone and to say thank you for coming out all this way to join us today.”

The poor folks had no idea how to spell Shaheen.