Friday, September 09, 2011


My mother has the texting “skillz” of a teenager. A new millennial.

Just today, I received the following messages:

Ggle mad again.need new pass.loftperson.

From this I understand she’s locked herself out of her Gmail account. Again.

After receiving frantic texts and calls the last few times this happened, I ended up setting myself up as her recovery email address – it’s just easier.

Mum has the impression that her emails extolling the virtues on certain products, and her chastisements of other products are the hot commodity on the net. As a silver surfer, she changes her password at a rate most system administrators would find amazing. Sometimes I think she does it hourly.

The only thing wrong with this plan is that she sometimes (read often) forgets what her last secure password update was. Hence the teenage texts.

Anyway, all taken care of. Which resulted in:

Tku u2. love u mum