Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Gimme a “Y”

I love the fact that my Mum text messages. She’s in her 60’s, and likes to email, surf the net (at her local library) and now she’s gotten into the whole cell phone SMS revolution.

The thing that I don’t love is reading her texts. As my brother puts it, she texts like she is charged by the letter, with an extra surcharge for vowels.

The most recent example:
“early lunch @ choc fish. driving honda jazz 4 test. rtcle free weather ok. xs”

Ok – breaking that down.
Early lunch @ choc fish – this is fine, she had an early lunch at the Chocolate Fish (a restaurant in Wellington)
Driving honda jazz 4 test – got it, a test drive of the Honda Jazz.
xs – kisses, got it

The thing that has me stumped is “rtcle free weather ok”

Is that “article free weather ok”? – well, that makes no sense...

Perhaps “reticule free weather ok” – I guess that could make sense; she has no small fabric purse from the 18th century, so she’s “reticule free”, and “the weather is ok”. Still, that doesn’t seem like something you’d text someone. “I have no 200 year old article on me right now.” It’s not even something I’d say to someone face to face. “No reticules on me today.”

I guess it’s just a mystery that I shall leave unsolved. A cold case to crack at a later date.

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