Perhaps it's due to my parents divorce happening when I was so young. I don't remember them ever being together. My brother and I were one of the few children growing up with divorced parents in New Zealand, so I may have had a jaded outlook on the entire marriage affair. I mean, if it (it being divorce) could happen with my parents, then it, meant people change, and, what's todays' truth isn't necessarily tomorrows' truth.
So, seeing people up in front of others talking about their undying love has always seemed a little, well, hollow.
I can remember my Dad's remarriage. I was mad. Mad as hell. In my defense, I was 9. And, AND! I had never met the woman he was marrying. I didn't even know my Dad was seeing someone! We,( "we" being my brother, my Dad & I) were living in Brunei at the time.
For the school holidays my brother and I had been visiting my Mum in New Zealand. Surprisingly my Dad met the Air New Zealand flight my brother and I were on in Singapore. Ok, hold onto your hats - this was 1981, and kids flew alone all the time. I normally got to hand out the sweets at the end of the flight being a "help" to the airstewardesses. In any event, my Dad had me walking to Kindergarden when I was 4 years old. So, (working on) intercontinental flights was nothing.
Anyway, we didn't end up back in Brunei. My brother and I were hauled into a cramped phone booth in Changi International Airport in Singapore, we had a receiver thrust into our hands and we were made to listen to some American chick with a really weird accent tell us how excited she was, that she couldn't wait to meet us and become our "Mom".
It's still a sore point to my step mother that in her wedding pictures I have a look that can peel paint at 15 paces. Well, it's 1981, so I think she should be pleased I have an artistic look on my face rather than having a bad perm (which my Dad had) and shoulder pads (which she had). Still, they're not my wedding photos so I guess a little peevishness on her part is forgivable.
My brother got married in the late 1990's. The boy that had hanged my soft toys from my bedroom ceiling, mummified my Wonder Woman doll, strapped me to a tree and whipped me with holly, tried to suffocate me, got me drunk, kept me from seeking medical help when I had a fractured arm, complained that he didn't get a slurpee when I'd split my knee open, did drugs scott free while I was suspected of being an addict, shot small animals and skinned them, the boy that had administered daily beatings to me, got married.
Somewhere, the boy had become a man while we weren't together. He'd found a woman to temper him, and married her. The same violent child had been remade as an urbane man burst into tears seeing his soon to be wife walk down the aisle towards him.
Still - no tears from me there. Dry as a bone.
Though I almost did come tears at being made to watch their wedding video under duress. Thank goodness it was only the "highlights" and not the whole damn thing. I had to be there for the live event for heaven's sake. We're only on this earth for a short time, and your time shouldn't be taken up with watching someone else get dressed up and walk down an aisle on telly.
Which brings me to last Sunday. My friend Megan got married in San Diego, to a man she's loved for years. I began cajoling her once she broke up with the "love of her life" when we were both coworkers. I'd helped prod her towards this new man, this wonderful guy, that unfortunately wasn't gay, Well, if I couldn't have him, someone I loved should.
She's feisty, funny, smart, strong, caring, witty, locquacious, loving and Megan posses a beautiful soul.
So, seeing her get married was the 1st time I think I've experienced what marriage is truly about. Megan was married in San Diego, at the Catamaran Hotel, on October 9th, 2005 right on the beach.
As she appeared on a balcony overlooking the sand and surf, the sun highlighted her dress, making an aura around her. She descended the steps glowing, looking remarkablt like an earth goddess of old - tears held in her eyes as she made her way down the aisle on her fathers arm. Megan had eyes only for Jim, which was probably for the best. She even forgot which hand to place the ring on when the time came.
But, as I sat watching the ceremony I was surprised to fell wetness on my cheeks. Well, rules are made to be broken.
I was crying at a wedding, and it was quite ok with me.

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