That was a slogan used in the New Zealand “Stop Smoking” campaign several years back in the 1990’s. The very campaign that happened to feature my older brother Jason as their poster boy – his face was plastered on bill boards and bus stops from the tip of the North Island right to the bottom of the South Island.
Jason of the Golden Touch. When we were younger (when he wasn’t beating me up) Jason was always telling me that he was named after the Jason in “Jason and the Golden Fleece” – which is why he was always so successful in things.
Kinda spooky about how he almost always is really successful. Anyway, he’d gotten representation by a talent agent (as Jason lore goes) by being spotted in a Nightclub in New Zealand when he was dancing in a cage. Jason had ousted the actual dancer from their cage atop the pillar, and was going for it like there was no tomorrow. That’s when the agent happened spot him, gyrating away. When he descended from the pillar she pressed her card on him urging him to call – he had something, and she wanted to represent him.
Several days later he did just that, and was promptly signed. Now my brother is a surf freak, and would often skip auditions if the waves were good. His agent had gotten him an audition for the “Stop Smoking” campaign. On this particular day the waves were outstanding. Jason missed his scheduled audition time, but rolled into the studio just as they were getting ready to pack up for the day.
He then began spinning this yarn about why he was late. He almost hadn’t come as he had been so ashamed of his smoking habit. He knew he’d hit rock bottom when he was out of cash, walking down the street, and then picked a butt out of the gutter – just so he could finish smoking what the previous owner had left.
Jason of course told this with his typical blarney stone touch, and they ate it up – and even used his phrase “butt out of the gutter” in the campaign.
Now, this is all well and good – my only problem with this is that THAT STORY IS MINE! When we were about 9 years old, my Mum had a new boyfriend. They were engaged, and for that years summer holidays we were spending it with Mum, Roger and his daughter Joanne. Joanne was super old, I mean she was about 16 at the time. Maybe 15. And she smoked. Of course, Joanne introduced both my brother and me to smoking, letting us know how cool it was. That summer Jason and I had a pack of cigarettes when ever we felt like it, all we had to do was ask Joanne to go buy them for us (and give her a little extra cash for the trouble; or bake her some fudge).
We got home at the end of the holidays addicted to smoking, and were now without our cigarette dealer. What are underage boys to do? Well, I hit upon the brilliant plan of taking cigarette butts out of our grandparents ash trays. They were (and my grandmother still is) huge smokers. They’d often leave a fair amount of ciggy to smoke, and we could get our fix by secretly purloining these butts from their ash trays.
But, 9 year olds can only visit their grandparents so much in any given day, or any given week. Which is when I had my most cunning idea yet – walking home from a cigarette recovery operation I noticed all these cigarette butts in the gutter along the street – just laying there, unused! Why not collect these butts & smoke them!?! I mean it was cheap, economical, and in a way, recycling.
Anyway, that’s exactly what we did. Jason and I would pick butts out of the gutter, bring them home and when the folks weren’t around we’d scurry down to the bottom garden to have the last few puffs off of someone else’s cigarette.
Mmmmmm – smooth, clean taste.
So, you can understand my ire when I found out my childhood cunning had been stolen yet again by my older brother into a money making scheme.
It wouldn’t be SO bad, it’s just I never got my cut.
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