Friday, April 25, 2008

Pretty Woman

So my former boss invites me out to a BBQ with her and her boyfriend last weekend. It was up the road from me, I had nothing else on so figured why not.

It was a Saturday afternoon, balmy and lazy. I was in shorts and a t-shirt, Annie picked me up – she was in jeans and a t-shirt. We located the house and walked up the path to the back patio where the BBQ was happening.

Their former roommate was there, and his friends, and then two girls. Well, ladies. And when I say ladies, I mean the “of the night” variety.

I didn’t pick up on it at first, but I guess their black mini’s and loads of bling should have tipped me off that they weren’t there for the BBQ meat. Sure, they were there for meat, but that’s too easy a pun.

Annie called their profession within seconds of arrival. I didn’t believe her at first, and by the time I did – I realized they weren’t the Julia Roberts type of working girl – these were more of the “cut a bitch” type of girl.

Anyway, they disappeared in the back bedroom for 2 hours – and emerged later wanting their payment. $250 to be exact.

I had dinner with coworkers later in the week, and there was a definite split on the sexes here. The women were all “that’s CHEAP!” – while the gents were “Wow, that’s A LOT!”

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