Monday, May 24, 2004

...& I like snatch...

I just love all the little language differences that crop up when English isn’t someone’s first language. A while back, when people used to say folks were talking “smack” about you, a friend from France heard the term & thought she had it down. She decided to use her new lingo when we were having a chat with some other folks and things got a bit heated - the lovely French lass said she didn’t want to hear people going around talking snap about her. So close, yet so far…

I was in my friends car as we all drove to see Shrek 2, and he was playing a song by the A*Teens, “Perfect Match”. Well, one line of this sugary pop confection is, and I kid you not, “& I like Snatch.” To be fair, it’s a song of comparisons and the full lyric is “You like Grease & I like Snatch” (delivered sincerely with angelic vocals by the boys of the band), so they’re contrasting those two films – however, it still didn’t stop us from giggling away like 12 year olds, & we’ve been repeating the line ad nauseam forgetting that some of our other friends don’t listen to pop & are quite shocked to hear this.

Of course, Snatch isn’t slang in quite a few other places, but I’m thinking that’s probably the line that will prevent Clear Channel from broadcasting the tune on the airwaves over here.

Now go talk some snap.

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