Thursday, March 06, 2008

Spring Training

I hired a trainer; a personal trainer. He admits I’m the strangest client he’s ever had, as I’m very giggly. I just can’t help laughing at myself, as I know I must look ridiculous exercising away.

I keep seeing myself in my mind’s eye, as we’re doing sit-ups on a sit-up board and he’s lobbing a medicine ball at me to tap behind my head before I come back up to throw the ball back at him. This is just not a serious sight.

The nice thing about this particular exercise is that right before we started it, I had to sign my waiver acknowledging the fact that exercising is a dangerous activity, and I waive my right to sue if something goes wrong.

Al I could do was keep picturing myself getting hit in my face (my beautiful face) with the heavy ass ball and knocking out my front teeth. “Now I’ll never be a teen model.”

In any event, it’s good to have someone correct form and really push you towards a fitness goal. No wonder celebrities are so fit. It still strikes me as really funny though.

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